TIME-2 Projects
The TIME-2 Projects comprise several local railroad bridges and infrastructure improvements on or near the Metro-North Railroad (MNR) New Haven Line in East Norwalk, CT.
Site preparation, mobilization and support of excavation work started in December 2023. Major construction activities are anticipated to commence in early spring 2024.
Packaging the TIME-2 Projects together allows the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) to take advantage of two-track outages on the New Haven Line during the WALK Bridge Replacement Project.
Time-2 Projects
Site preparation, mobilization and support of excavation work started in December 2023. Major construction activities started in 2024.
The TIME-2 Projects are part of TIME FOR CT – a statewide initiative for Connecticut's safe, reliable, and faster train service. TIME is an acronym for Track Improvement, Mobility and Enhancement. Packaging the TIME-2 Projects together improves service while minimizing customer and community disruptions.
For more information about TIME FOR CT, please visit:https://timeforct.com Opens in new window