TIME-2 Projects
The TIME-2 Projects comprise several local railroad bridges and infrastructure improvements on or near the Metro-North Railroad (MNR) New Haven Line in East Norwalk, CT.
Site preparation, mobilization and support of excavation work started in December 2023. Major construction activities are anticipated to commence in early spring 2024.
Packaging the TIME-2 Projects together allows the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) to take advantage of two-track outages on the New Haven Line during the WALK Bridge Replacement Project.

Time-2 Projects
Fort Point Street Railroad Bridge
The Fort Point Street Railroad Bridge is replaced with a 42-foot, four-track span, increasing the roadway width while preserving the existing vertical clearance. Roadway realignment on Fort Point Street includes realigning Fort Point Street with South Smith Street - creating a T-intersection with improved sightlines. Highlights include widened travel lanes, new sidewalks, and additional bike lanes to improve safety and reliability for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists.
East Avenue Railroad Bridge Project
The East Avenue Railroad Bridge Project includes the replacement of the 100-year-old span. Horizontal clearance under the Bridge widens to approximately 58 feet while vertical clearance increases from 12 feet 2 inches to 14 feet 3 inches.
Osborne Avenue Railroad Bridge
The Osborne Avenue Railroad Bridge Project includes a new superstructure and rehabilitates the substructure while maintaining the current vertical and horizontal clearances.
Strawberry Hill Avenue Bridge Project
The Strawberry Hill Avenue Bridge Project includes the rehabilitation of the railroad bridge superstructure.
East Avenue Roadway Lowering
East Avenue roadway between Fort Point Street and Winfield Street includes widening approximately 1,600 feet of East Avenue with drainage improvements and new, wider sidewalks on both sides. East Avenue will be lowered, allowing for increased vertical clearance and new travel lanes under the railroad bridge.
Upgrades to the East Norwalk Train Station
Upgrades to the East Norwalk Train Station include increased commuter parking on both sides of the tracks. The station platforms on the north and south are extended to accommodate six train cars in both directions.
Work is anticipated to begin in March 2024.
Retaining Wall (Wall 427) Project
A retaining wall will be replaced and installed adjacent to the New Haven Line between Strawberry Hill Avenue and East Avenue as part of the Retaining Wall (Wall 427) Project.
Site preparation, mobilization and support of excavation work started in December 2023. Major construction activities started in 2024.
The TIME-2 Projects are part of TIME FOR CT – a statewide initiative for Connecticut's safe, reliable, and faster train service. TIME is an acronym for Track Improvement, Mobility and Enhancement. Packaging the TIME-2 Projects together improves service while minimizing customer and community disruptions.
For more information about TIME FOR CT, please visit:https://timeforct.com